Este vorba despre cateva cursuri cu privire la termografie cabalina. Prezentarile vor fi sustinute intre 12 si 15 aprilie la Hotel De Witte Berken, in Epe, Olanda de catre Tracy Turner, specialist in aplicarea termografiei in domeniul veterinar, cu participare din partea Gilbert Rentmeesters si Paco Ooms.
De asemenea, in data de 16 si in data de 17 aprilie vor avea loc cursuri suplimentare cu privire la principiile de baza ale radiatiilor infrarosii dar si de utilizare a camerelor termografice. Toate cursurile se desfasoara in limba engleza si sunt disponibile contra cost. Pentru fiecare dintre acestea este necesara inregistrarea iar formularul de inscriere se regaseste pe site-ul oficial al cursului. Atentie! Numarul de locuri este limitat.
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Dr. Gheorghe Serbu, MD
Romanian Society of Thermography
Circulatory changes (angiopathy, microangiopathy, and neuropathy induced angiopathy) play an important role in the pathogenesis of the diabetic foot. They are responsible for subtle skin temperature changes, which can be detected using infrared thermography. Thermography is used in detecting osteomyelitis that complicates the ulcerated diabetic foot, and also in determining the amputation line and the viability of the cutaneous skin flap.
The authors present the results of a study of 42 patients with diabetes, examined clinically and using thermography. Thermography is becoming the investigation of choice in the evaluation of the diabetic foot.
An estimated number of 16 million Americans are diabetic. Approximately 15% develop a foot ulcer and 6-8 for every 1000 will require amputation, as a consequence of the long-term complications (diabetic foot syndrome). Some of the most important factors that are implicated in pathogenesis of the diabetic foot are represented by peripheral vascular changes, such as macroangiopathy, microangiopathy and neuropathy-induced capillary circulation changes. These factors produce skin temperature variations which can be detected using thermography.
In one of the first studies reporting the use of thermography in the diabetic foot (1), 16 patients (12 women and 4 men), mean age 28 years, with long standing diabetes mellitus (average disease length of 13 years), underwent infrared thermography foot examinations. In the images recorded, the emission (temperature) over the toes and metatarso-phalangeal regions was distinctly decreased and gave a sharp transverse boundary. Little or no reduction of the emission (temperature) was shown over the dorsum of the foot and tibia. The patterns were symmetric with the exception of the only diabetic patient with local gangrene. The thermographic images from this early study have remained representative for the diabetic foot examined with infra-red, even though they were recorded at 18 o C (room temperature), which is no longer accepted as the standard for examinations of vascular pathology.
Today, more than forty years later, this 3D image of the diabetic foot (obtained with infrared and regular camera) may become the representative thermographic image of the diabetic foot for the next decades.
Even though controversial, most authors agree that the infrared examination of the diabetic foot can be very informative in assessing to following:
• Disturbances in the arterial circulation
• Assessment of microangiopathy and other vascular changes caused by diabetic neuropathy
• Detection of areas at high risk for ulceration or re-ulceration
• Assessment of tissue vitality, amputation level, and the intra-operative skin flap viability
• Diagnosis of osteomyelitis
• Monitoring the response to medical treatment
To obtain reliable and reproducible data, several recording requirements have to be met:
* room temperature: 24 ºC
* acclimatization time: 20 minutes
* leg clothing removed
* the patient should be either standing or sitting with the lower extremities hanging freely
It is very important that these requirements be followed correctly. In patients suffering from neuropathy, the skin temperature varies according to the ambient temperature. Also, the lower extremity images should be recorded from the front (front view) at a preset distance, and the feet from above (top view). A hot spot is defined as an area that is at least 0.5 warmer than the adjacent structures. The thermal gradient represents the difference between the skin temperature values recorded at the knee and at the dorsum of the foot.
Macroangiopathic vascular changes in the foot can be assessed using the following investigations:
* eco-Doppler
* angiography
Thermography is especially useful to differentiate between the “ischemic foot” (cold) and the “neuropathic
foot” (warm). Thermography has also been reported to be useful in detecting areas of critical ischemia.
• There are several considerations in the examination of the diabetic foot using thermography:
The “macro-circulation” pathology localizes more often at, or below the popliteal fossa, than at the level of the aorta or iliac vessels
• The atheromatous plaques are mono-segmental, present in the tibial and peroneal arteries, and are usually absent in the more proximal or distal (pedal) arteries.
• The changes are usually asymmetric, the tibial – peroneal triangle being the most commonly affected.
Figure 3 represents the thermographic image of an «ischemic foot » in a patient with diabetes. The asymmetric appearance, classic for atherosclerotic lesions, is caused by hypothermia on the right posterior
tibialis trajectory.
Thermography is very useful in the detection of critical ischemia involving small arterial territories, which
cannot be explored otherwise.
Case 1:
A 72 year old man with a 32 year history of type two diabetes and left foot amputation presents for evaluation of recent right calf pain. On the thermographic examination (performed with a nitrogen cooled camera, manufactured in Russia), Figure 4, in addition to the typical changes commonly found in a diabetic foot, there is evidence of an intense hypothermic area situated above the right medial malleolus, with an important temperature gradient of +3.5 ºC.
The thermographic diagnosis of “possible critical ischemia of a posterior tibialis artery branch” was confirmed by angiography, which revealed “severe atheromatosis affecting the entire length of the tibial-peroneal trunk”. After several plastic and vascular surgeries, the limb was salvaged from amputation (Figure 5).
Changes in the cutaneous circulation induced by diabetic microangiophathy, which are responsible for ulcer
formation, are difficult to explore by non-invasive methods. The characteristic thermographic image of
microangiophathy is the result of the symmetric decrease in Infrared radiation in the distal regions of the feet and hands. This aspect is known as “thermographic amputation” (Figure 6).
While controversy still exists, there is a consensus that the baseline skin temperature is higher in diabetic
patients with neuropathy, explained by sympathetic hypofunction resulting in opening of the arteriovenous
anastamoses. Thus, measuring the basal skin temperature can be useful in the neuropathy evaluation,
specifically small fiber sensory neuropathy, since the small fibers rather than the large fibers are involved in skin thermoregulation. The skin temperature of the foot is higher in patients with diabetes and neuropathy than in healthy controls. Also, it has been suggested that the diabetic patients could be screened for ulceration risk, elevated temperatures correlating with a higher risk of ulceration (Figure 7).
In our study, 42 patients with type II diabetes were examined using microfilament and temperature testing, 19 patients being diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy. The average skin temperature was calculated using the following cutaneous temperature values: 1st and 5th toe, 1st and 5th distal metatarsal, heel and the dorsum of the foot.
The average temperature of the neuropathy patients was 32.8 ºC, compared to 27.9 ºC in diabetic patients without neuropathy. Also, in all patients with neuropathy without other pathology, involving the feet the thermographic plantar aspect was found to be symmetric.
The diabetic foot ulceration can be classified as neuropathic, neuro-ischemic, and ischemic. On average, the occurrence rate for neuropathic ulcers is 40%, compared to the ischemic ulcers, which is 10%, the differentiation between the two being important. In our sample of 47 diabetic patients, three had ulcerations at the initial evaluation. Figure 9 presents two neuro-ischemic ulcerations localized in the cold area caused by ischemia; the hyperthermia affecting the rest of the foot is a result of the neuropathy induced circulatory changes. The ulceration in figure 10 is probably purely neuropathic, because of predominantly neuropathic hyperthermia in the adjacent areas.
Comparing the skin temperature with the adjacent structures (gradients higher than 0.5 ºC are considered
significant) may bring valuable information, even before other clinical signs become evident.
Monitoring patients may prevent ulcerations, the presence of elevated skin temperatures predicting ulceration or re-ulceration risk (20-58% of patients will develop a subsequent ulcer within one year).The temperature monitoring is also recommended in patients with Charcot’s fractures, in the post-acute phase, after the inflammation subsides. Thermography is also useful in detecting subtle temperature changes that may persist in the post acute phase, a premature reactivation indicating reoccurrence.
However, even though an elevated temperature ascertains and localizes the pathologic process, it may not be specific enough to elucidate its exact cause.
Case 2:
One of our patients, a 64 year old woman with a 12 year history of type 2 diabetes, had evidence of areas of intense hyperthermia (risk spots) in the left 5th distal metatarsal bones (Figure 10), which four months later progressed to an ulcer.
Figure 12 shows a thermographic image of the foot of a diabetic patient presenting with paradoxical
symptoms of burning feet alternating with paresthesias and feelings of "cold" feet. The thermographic
diagnosis is a “neuro-ischemic foot,” explained by the combination of neuropathy induced toe hyperthermia (34.5 ºC) and arteriopathy (posterior tibialis artery) induced hypothermia of the posterior aspect of the foot (30.2 ºC).
Providing patients with such thermographic images, documenting the coexistence of neuropathy induced
hyperthermia and angiopathy induced hypothermia resulting in important skin temperature variations of up to 4 ºC on very confined areas, can be very useful in patient counseling, enhancing their understanding of the disease process.
The majority of factors that generate "the diabetic foot" are based on circulation problems that induce
temperature variations, and these can be evaluated by infrared thermographic examination which has the
advantage of being noninvasive, fast and absolutely safe for patients and doctors. This method is useful also as a patient education tool, because they can "see" these changes on a diabetic foot; therefore they can better understand their disease and become more compliant.
1) P.-I. Branemark, S.-E. Fagerberg, L. Langer and J.Save-Sonderbergh: Infrared Thermography in Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetologia 3, 529-532(1967).
2) S. Colantonio, G.Pieri, O. Salvett, M. Benvenuti, S.Barone and Carassale: A method to integrate
thermographic data and 3D shapes for Diabetic Foot Disease. Proceedings of the 8th International
Conference on Quantitative Infrared Thermography - QIRT�6 (ITC-CNR Padova, Italy, 28-30 June, 2006).
The author would like to thank Prof. Sara Colantonio for granting permission to use the image in Figure 2. Images 3, 6-12 were taken with FLIR ThermaCAM® B4 camera.
Dr. Gheorghe Serbu, MD is a Board certified in Clinical Thermography (
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). He is a founding and active board member of the Romanian Society of Thermography( and has had numerous presentations at national conferences of the Romanian Society of Thermography. Selected presentations and publications: “The use of thermography in family medicine”; “Evidence based thermography”; “Carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosed by thermography”; “Thermography of the thyroid gland”; “Quantifying pain using thermography”; “Thermography in the diagnosis of Raynaud’s phenomenon”; “Thermography in the diagnosis on breast cancer in men”.
The Infrared Thermography at Clinic Practice Dr. Gheorghe O. SERBU, MD, BCCT Romanian Society of Thermography
Joi, 29 Decembrie 2011 16:05 Publicat in ChirurgieGeneral practitioners from many European countries, can legally use diverse systems of paraclinic investigations (ultrasound, EKG,spirometry) which furnish useful information, which can be used along with history of present illness and physical exam to increase the precision and accuracy off a diagnosis.
This proceeding is useful for the physician and is in the patients and the medical system`s best interest because it greatly reduces cost.
However putting aside the unavoidable difficulties (the need for special imaging room, and the small chance of finding in Europe a way to certify competency in thermography), I will raise this question: what is the place for clinical thermography in family practice?
I will present a few cases from a family medicine medical practice, mentioning that there was not a thermographic diagnostic made, but rather a corroboration of clinical data with thermographic images, hoping this would lead to the formulation of a beginning of an answer.
All the diagnostics in this paper have been confirmed by other means for by inpatient admission.
Acute appendicitis
Appendicitis is the first cause of acute abdomen in the western world. Approximately 30% of patients present with atypical symptoms, which can delay the diagnosis. Thus, in the US, the high mortality of 20% in elderly over 70 years old is caused by the diagnostic and therapeutic delay. Perforation rate is higher among patients younger than 18 years and patients older than 50 years, possibly because of delays in diagnosis.
In classic medicine it is well known that a 0.5 degree rise in the right lower quadrant temperature is an important sign in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis, even in the modern days of ultrasound, CT and MRI. Nowadays, using the hand to appreciate a rise in the local temperature is no longer needed as thermography can easily and accurately measure the local temperature gradient. While thermography cannot establish a diagnosis of acute appendicitis, it supports the clinical suspicion, so that the patient benefits from the aforementioned investigations for a quick diagnosis. Presented here is the thermographic image of a retrocecal appendicitis difficult to diagnose clinically. (Img 1)
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Especially after it was acknowledged that PC keyboard can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, the incidence of these diagnoses has increased in geometric progression. At the same time, even with proper treatment many patients have residual symptomatology which is difficult to evaluate.
As you can see from image (Img 2) the thermography can offer interesting informations for the family doctor both in the stage of making this diagnosis, but also to follow this condition after the treatment.
Herpes zoster(shingles)
In some cases before the actual skin eruption, herpes zoster raises serious differential diagnosis issues because of the intense pain in the affected territory. An early diagnosis in the pre-eruptive state is especially useful in ophthalmic herpes zoster, before the cornea is affected.
Male breast cancer
Breat cancer in men is more severe than in women. Since it is infrequent, the diagnosis is not commonly considered by either patients or physicians since the age of onset is usually past 60 when most men have gynecomastia, which can mask a breast mass/tumor in the initial stages.
I will be presenting the case of a man who presented to my office for a second opinion to be evaluated for bilateral mastodynia on superimposed gynecomastia. The symptoms were initially attributed to the treatment with spironolactone, which the patient had been taking for several years. The clinical evaluation revealed nothing else than gynecomastia
Thermographic exam showed (Img 5):
1. Hyperthermic nipple (temperature gradient + 1.8 Celsius)
2. Hyperthermic areola (temperature gradient + 2.6 Celsius)
3. Overall right breast temperature was elevated
Finally patient was diagnosed with ductal cancer.
Deep vein thrombosis
Incidence of Deep venous thrombosis(DVT) is 1000/100 000persons annually in the general population over 60 years of age. Venous thromboembolism death in the US is estimated at 300 000 annually
The clinical diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis has been shown to be extremely unreliable.
Our patients presenting with typical clinical symptoms of deep vein thrombosis were evaluated according to the following algorithm (Img 6):
Step1 : Wells score 0-1 : Watchfull waiting
Score higher than 1 –
Step2 : thermography
Negative : watchfull waiting
Positive : a marked and asymmetric rise in calf temperature with loss of normal temperature gradient down the affected limb
Step 3 : exclusion through clinical examination of alternate diagnoses : cellulitis, varicose veins, superficial thrombophlebitis, ruptured Baker cyst, erisipella, muscle tear, arthritis. Once these diagnoses are excluded, the clinical suspicion for DVT is high and patients are referred to venous ultrasound
The presentation of these cases had the purpose of lunching the discussion about the utility of thermography in general practice. This is frequently used in Ireland, Israel, Romania and other European countries.
I do believe that we must share our experiences and an “expert panel” should determine what the place of this investigation modality is in the diagnostic protocol of a family physician.