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Luni, 16 Ianuarie 2012 11:11
Infrared Imaging of the Diabetic Foot
Publicat in Ortopedie Postat de Moderator
Dr. Gheorghe Serbu, MDRomanian Society of Thermography ABSTRACTCirculatory changes (angiopathy, microangiopathy, and neuropathy induced angiopathy) play an important role in the pathogenesis of the diabetic foot. They are responsible for subtle skin temperature changes, which can be detected using infrared thermography. Thermography is used in detecting osteomyelitis that complicates the ulcerated diabetic foot, and also in determining the amputation line and the viability of the cutaneous skin flap. The authors present the…
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Joi, 29 Decembrie 2011 16:05
The Infrared Thermography at Clinic Practice Dr. Gheorghe O. SERBU, MD, BCCT Romanian Society of Thermography
Publicat in Chirurgie Postat de Moderator
General practitioners from many European countries, can legally use diverse systems of paraclinic investigations (ultrasound, EKG,spirometry) which furnish useful information, which can be used along with history of present illness and physical exam to increase the precision and accuracy off a diagnosis.This proceeding is useful for the physician and is in the patients and the medical system`s best interest because it greatly reduces cost.However putting aside the unavoidable difficulties (the need…
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Sâmbătă, 19 Noiembrie 2011 00:37
Evolutia unui pacient cu spondiloza cervicala, Dr. Petre Muresan
Publicat in Spondiloza Postat de Administrator
Evolutia in timp a unui caz de spondiloza cervicala Va prezint cazul unui pacient de sex masculin in varsta de 34 de ani care se prezinta in centrul nostru medical in septembrie 2009 cu urmatoarele acuze : durere localizata la nivelul regiunii cervicale cu iradiere spre zona umerilor, bilateral, dureri de cap mai ales in zona occipitala , frecvente stari de oboseala si de moleseala, senzatia de scadere a capacitatii…
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